Defending the Defenders

ELAW partners from 47 countries gathered in Eugene last week for the 2017 ELAW Annual International Meeting. They tackled critical environmental challenges, including defending environmental advocates.

Around the globe, grassroots advocates are being killed, imprisoned, and threatened because of their work. We must work together to Defend the Defenders.

Our work is challenging, but we are inspired by the world’s leading grassroots defenders, including Alfred Brownell from Liberia who nearly lost his life facing down government and corporations.

Read more about Alfred and ELAW partners from Mexico and the Philippines in “Under Fire: Environmental Attorneys Under Attack.

On his return to Argentina, ELAW partner Juan Picolotti sent a message that captures the sentiments of many who came together in Eugene last week:

“Many thanks for the opportunity to share with this extraordinary group of people. Our countries have different economic, political, and social challenges, and it is difficult to maintain our struggle for a better and more just world.

The ELAW family strengthens our ideals and helps us overcome obstacles. Thanks for everything!”

Learn more about our inspiring overseas partners and the ELAW Team in “Environmental Heroes Come to Eugene.

For more information about ELAW and how we collaborate across borders to build a greener future, please contact:

Maggie Keenan
ELAW Communications Director

Learn more about our work and how you can support ELAW by visiting our website, Facebook, and Twitter.