Colombia: Select mangrove laws

Marine and Coastal Mangroves

En Colombia distintos instrumentos legales abordan la protección y manejo de los manglares, a continuación se presentan algunos de ellos.

Ley 2811 de diciembre 18 de 1974. Por el cual se dicta el Código Nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables y de Protección al medio Ambiente. (National Code for Renewable Natural Resources and Environmental Protection)  Art. 164 (State must protect marine environment).Art. 165 (Every activity that affects the marine environment requires a permit). Art. 166 (Any activity that aims to exploit marine resources must be carried out in a way that does not cause damage or deterioration to other resources, whether due to depletion, degradation or contamination).

Ley 0013 del 15 de enero de 1990. Por el cual se dicta el Estatuto General de Pesca.  (General Fishing Statute) Art 2 (Hydrobiological resources contained in the territorial sea, in the exclusive economic zone and in continental waters belong to the public domain of the State. Consequently, it is the responsibility of the State to administer, promote and control fishing activity).

 Resolución 1602 del 21 de diciembre de 1995, del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Por medio de la cual se dictan medidas para garantizar la sostenibilidad de los manglares en Colombia.   Art. 2 (List of works, industries and activities that affect the mangrove and are prohibited). Art. 4 (Regional authorities must carry studies on the state of the mangroves in the territory of its jurisdiction and on the traditional community activities of forest use, giving priority to the latter)